:!.42, ·T he Dut)' mzd P!eajitre advantageous for directing our ways, and ordering our feveral employments: lv1cm goeth forth to his 1!/ork, and to his labour un– till the evening. lie nza!?.eth darknefs, and it is night 1·~. the curtains are dravh1, ·and :all things hufhed ·into filence, that man nJay enjoy the n1ore quiet repofe: and yet to ldfeh .the horror of darknefs, and light– en fuch as are obliged · to -travel in the night, while the fun is enlightening ano– ther part of the world, we have the 1noon and fiars to fupply his room 0 giv_e tha11k's unto the Lord, for be is gwd; for his m,ercy ~ndureth for ever. To him that by wijdom 1nade the hea~Je11.s; for (Jis, &c. The moon a11d · ftars jo rule b,y 11(ght: fir his, &c. Again, liow wonderfully hath he fur- ' niihed this lo\-ver world for our Jnainte– nance and accon1tnodation! The heave11, e– ruen the heaven of hea7Jens are the Lord'f: .but the earth hath he gi'ZJen to the -children of · men t .. I-le bath made us to have dominioJt o– ver all the works of his hands j he hat~ put ali things under our feet: alljheep and oxen; . yea, and the beafls of the field: the fowl of' the air, the fi{h ofthe fea, and .wbat[o– ever pa.fJetb through ·the paths of the feast. By the art and indufiry of man the fwifteft "-' Pfal. civ, 23. 20• t Pfal. cxv. 16~ + Pfal. viii: 61 1~ 8.