: Of Praife and Thanl;(gJving. 2~3 eft fowls are caught, the fiercefl: creatures are tamed, the fironge(t beafts are ..over– . come, and all n1ade ferviccable unto him. The horfe helpcth our journey both -vyith fpecd and eafe, the oxen labour the ground - · for~us, fheep affor4 us meat and cl oaths: . from the bowels of the earth we dig fuels, metals and fioncs; which are fiill the n1~re plentiful, ~s they are ufeful and ad– . vantageous- to us. Thofe flones which . ferve for building, are almofl every where ready a_t hand; whereas. rubies and dia– nJonds, aad other fuch - glifl:er~- ng ' trifles 1 .are found but in a f~w places of the world, and gotten with a great deal of eoil. And ' to what hard!hip lhould aH fort of artifi– cers be p~l· t, if i.ron were as fcanty as gold? The furface .of the earth yiddeth grafs' for· the cattle, anq herb for the ferviCe of n1~n ; – -and wine that maketh-glad the ~earl of ma11~ · cmd bread which jlre11gthe11etb hi! he.art. Thefe it affordeth unto us from time to titn~; and while 'Ne are fpe0:ding the pro-. • ·ducrions of one year, .God is providing for us againil: a-nother there is no fi11all vari– ety of fcafons and influences) which concur for the produCtion of that corn, which we· ,murn1ur fo n1uch for when we want, and value fo little when it cloth aboundj. The X 2 winter