244~ The Duty and P leajitre -·winter-cold mufl: temper and prepare the earth: die gentle· (oring n1uft cherifh and fon1ent the feed; vapours rnufi be raifed, and condenfed intoclouds, and then fqucez..:. ed out and fifted into little drops, to water and refrefh the ground ; and then the – fun1mer-heat n1u!t ripen and digcfi the corn hefore it be fit to be cut down. Tbott vi– jitefl the earth, (faith the Pfa1mifi), and waterefi it: thou gr'eatly enrichefl it with the river of' God which is fitll ~f -water: th!Ju pr::pareJl them con~·, when thou haft fi provided for it. 'Tbou waterefl the ridg·e.; tbereofabundantly: thou jettlefl the furrow.; thereof: ~thfYu 11Jakefl it foft 'With jl1o·wers-, tbou bleifefl the_ ·jpringing thereof. Thou crowttejf the year with thy goodnefs, and all thy paths drop fr,;tnefi. Thej drop upon the p'ajlures of the wildernefs: and the litt!~ bills rejoice 011 everyfide~ The paflures are cloathed wJth flocks: the rz;al/eys a!fi tire co– vered with co1"JJ j tbey jhotf t for joy, they· alfo Jimg*·. 0 Lord ho'W W01'tderful are thy -zuorks! in: 7J.:Ji/d()m haft tbou made them all: the earl;} . i.r full of thy riches. So is the great and 'wide Jea, wherein are thing·s creeping in– numerable, bothfmall andgreat ftfiJes. There ga * .Pfai. Ixv. 9.) 10, llt 12, 13. ·