245 Of Prmfl ·mtd Thnnk}gil.,i11g. · go. tb-e (hip.s, thofe great engines of traffick and con1111erce, whereby every couutry" is ~afily furnifhed with the producrions of another. And indeed it is a"ronderful and· ..arfonifhing contrivance ofnature, that men _ ihould be eaGly tranfported to-the rernot– cfl: places in fuch floating houfes, and cat:.– r.ied (fo to fpeak) upon the wings of the· wind; . that they ihould be able to find: out their way in the widefl: Gcean and· darkefi night, by the direCtion of a trcn1bling needle, and the unaccountable infhi• €nee of a forry fione.•. They.that go do7JJ71 to · the jea in j!Jips, that do. bufinejs in g:reaf. waters: theje fee the works of .the Lord, . aud his 1-v.onders in ~he deep. For he eom-·. . mandeth, andraifeth the flor:my wind, wbich· lifteth up the 1-uave,r thereof. The)' mount'– up to the heaven, they g? down again to t!Je· depths, _their foul is melted becauje of fr.ou~ ble. They reel to and fro, and flagger like · a drunken man, and are af. their wits end. Then they,cry unto the Lord in their trouble, . a~d he brin_geth them out of theit:~.diflre/Jes•. lie maketh the flornz a calm, jo' th'at the · waves thereofare /fill. 7hen are they glad,' becaufi they are quiet;. fo he brin!{eth tHem · unto tbdr de{ired ·ha'ven~ 0 that men*, .&c. X 3: . BUt' *·· rSal. ciii. 21 t; &.'C~.