Of Praife a;ul Thankjj;iru-ing. 247 et'lrfh. 'Thine, ejes did fee my .fitb/lruzce )'et being unperfltl, and in thy book all my mem... bers were written, 7.vhich in (OJZtinuance were fdj!Jion~d, urhen as yet _there were ,none of theM. I~ow precious aljo are thy tho'ughts unto me, 0 God! how great is the jum of them! ·-'A~ &c. Nine n1onths ordina– rily pafs in tl1e forn1ing of t4is curious and ·wonderful · piece, before it be expofcd to . the view of the \vorld; and· then the pri– foner is releafcd fron1 that nar'row con– finen1ent, and the n1other and the child ·?re delivered together. Tl)e n1othet fo~ getteth her anguifh and pangs, for joy that a man child is born hzta the woPld. The poor infant is naked and weak,_ ready to expire for hunger and cold, unable ~o do any thing for itfelf but weep and cry: but ·he that brought it into the world bath al- . ready provided for its fufl:enation in it. The -n1other's breafis are filled with a wholfome and _delicious liquor, which tfaileth not ·fron1 time to tin1e, but is ·invifibly fupplied; like the widow of Sarepta's oil, till the -child beco~e capable .of fl:ronger food. But it was not enough that mothers lhould be 1enabled to fufl:ain their intants, ·unlefsth~yhad been alfo powerfuly indineq ' ·unto * ,Pfal. cx~ix. 14, 15, 16. 17.