248 'T'he Duty a11d Pleafure unto it ·: and therefore God l1ath imolant- . 1 ed ·thofc bowels of kindnefs and compaffion, which prompts then1 to ·the n1of1: tc n:– der and affccrionate care, and n1akcs 'them as ready to help their children's ncceffities– as their own: whid1, though it do hardly dcferve the name of a virtue," being con1n1on to them with the brutes, for e'ven the jea-monflers draw out the brea(fs, andgh)~ .fuck to tlleir young* j yet certainly it is an_ effeCt of the divine wifdom, that- infants .I n1ay not want thofe fuccours -whichwould never have b~en fo effectually fecured to thenl by a law. Mean while, the poor itk fant is f0 weak, and fo unable to endure the leafi violence, and ~withaLexpofed.to fo innumerable dangers, that the mother's fo– l:icitude and care ·would be · to little pur:- .pofe, if it were not preferved by a higher and ·invifible power, vvhich watcheth fo.r its fafety w.hen the n1other and nurfe are fail: , afleep, and keeps it from qeing overlaid. · As wegrow in years, our neceffities n1ul– tiply, and .dangers· increafe·rather than di_, miniili; and we are ftill more and more obliged to God for the fupply1of the one, and our preferv.ation·from the other. We think perhaps vve have now fet up for our- . - · felves, , * L . ' . am. 1v. 3:" .