Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

_Of Pra{e and Thankfgi,vhtg. 24)t felv~s, and can provide what js necefrary ·by our own induflry, an.d keep ourfelves out of harm's way. But there cannot be~ more fooli.fh .and unreafonable thought. There needeth but a little confideration to \Jndcccive us. - All that we projeCt and do for ourfelve5, depended1 on the integrity of our faculties, and the foundnefs of our reafon; whieh is a happincfs we can never fccure unto ourfelves. I chufc this infiance· the rnher, becauf~ it is a mercy invaluable in itfelf, and I fear very feldom confidercd by us. 0 what an unfpeakable bJdiing it is, that \ve are preferved in our right wits; that WC are not roaring ll1 fom·C •bedlam, or runnjng furioufly up and down the· fireets; nor have1 our fpirits funk into fil– linefs or il:upidity ·which would n1al{e e– very little child to mock and deride-us! It is poffibJe enough that this fhould bcfal the wifefl and 1nofi 11edfafl of us all. A firoke on the head, a few n1ore degrees of heat in the blood, or agitation of the vi– tal fpirits, were enough to do the bufincfs. So weak and n1utable creatures are ~re; fo .fl11::dl is the difbnce betwixt a wife n1an · and a fool. Next to the ufe of our reafon, how l'nuch are we indebted to the · divine goodnefs for our hcaJth and \velf2r~ t 1·hefc - bodies