Of Praife and. T'hm?.lif[Jving. 2 51 - proteCted fron1 fire and vjolence, .fron1 evil fpirits, and from evil1nen! I ,.will both la_;!J nze down in peace, a11d.fleejJ: for tho·u, L.ord, only malu.jl nze to diuell in JZzfety. ·And what iba!l we fay of our food and raiment, of our houics at;d n1anifold accommod;ui– ons, o f the kindefs of our neighbours, and the love of our friends, of all the n1eans of our fubG!tence, and all the con1forts of our ~ lives? We are tnade' up~ as i~_ \ven;, of a great n1any feveral piec~s, have fuch a va– riety of interdls and enjoyments concur- ' · · ring to our prefent happinefs, that it is an unfpeakable goodnefs whieh continucth then1 all with us fron1 tin1e to time; that vvhen ·we awake in the n1orning we fhould find our 1ninds clear, our bodies well, our houfe fafe, ~dl our friends_ in health, and all our intereH:s fecure. l-Ie is ,aw;d/ oj'jire about us, and about all that we ha~ve, by night, and by day; and his mercies are Jte·w every morning. I cannot fiand to fpcak of all thofe more publick n1ercies, ~he peace and tranquillity of kingdon1s, .Rnd all the happy effeets of focie~y and government. I ihall only fay that it is a fignal inftance of the divine wifdom and goodnefs in the government of the world, that .fucb a vaft ' pumber of perfons, only acred by felf..;love, · . c'§" . '· . ' iliould ..