Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

.· lhould be fpoken and heard? Our dulnefs nJa-kes me ;;tlmofl: afraid to n1cdd!e with fo high a tl;~~mc. 'fhat the eternal Son of God, the vVifdon1 of the Father, the maker and lord of all things, !ho?ld clothe hinl– fdf with the infirmities of the hun1an na– ture, and -down fron1 the habitation of his glory, and take up hi~ abode among · the wretched and rebellious children of lncn, to reclain1 the1n fron1 their wickcd– nefs and folly, and reduce then1 to their duty and happinefs; that he fhould have gone up and down in the world upwards of thirt,y years in ·poverty, a£.i]ietion, and con ... tcn1pt, doing good and. fuffering ~evil, fcattering bleilings.and enduring injuries where– ever he can1c; and at Iaft ihould have _ yeilded up his life in ~1n_{pe~kable angui!h and torn1ent, to be a propitiation fqr our fins: thcfe are n1atters which ought never 1:0 be fpoken or heard, without lofirig out– felvcs (as it were) in a rapture of admira– tion, gratitude, and love-. 0 the breadth~ le11gth, depth, and hezght of' that !o?.Je whicb p~(feth .a!l knohvedge; which made God · affume our nattire, that vve nJ.ight become partakers of his? It is true, all that our Sav-iour hath done and fuffered, prove-th in~ffefcua-1 to the greatefl: p :Ut of n:.tankind. Y But