er ' D'l - d ~) 7 , r. 254 ,.1e uty an 11ea.Jure. But fure they have thcmfelvcs to blam·c. ··God hath ·both jaid audjiuorn that he hath . 110 pleajitre in tiJe death oj'fin71ers, bu.f '"&vou!d have them rat!Jer repent ami li7Je. A!ld indeed his 'Vvay -of dealing with them, doth ~ fufficiently declare the fame. vVith vvhat long-fuffedng patience doth he wait for their repentance .~ wbat pains do'th he take to reclaim them? , . · I (is an afl:onifhing thing, to confider what indignities and affronts are every day ·done unto that infinite l'v1ajefiy by finfui duft and a{hes, that 'be cloth not avenge himfelf by . ,iheir total oYcrthro\V; thai they fhould vio– late. his 1aw, and defpife his threat~nings, and defy bin1 as it were, unto his very face, ,and yet he :fho.uld pity and fpare the1n, a11d ·wait to be gracious unto them. Were the .governnlent of the world cQmniitted to the n1eekefl: perfon on the f:1ce of the earth, he would never endure the o_utrages whi eh are comn1ttted againH: heaven, but would pre.- , fently lofe all his patience, and turn the ·"vholc frame into ruin. · But G.od is lov~: Iiis thottg-hts and 'W(I:JS are 'Not like thoje of men j btd aJ the heavens are higher than the earth, fo are his thoughts cmd wqys higher ·t ;)an ours. Aqd \V hen the obftinate 'wick– .ednefs of finful creatures cloth, as it were, force