~ Of. Prai/e and Thrwlifgivi'l:g. 2 55 f~>rre and the extort puni11iment fron1 his hands, vvbaf' reluCtancy, what unwiliing– n cfs doth he exprc.fs to this, work; thi~ · fircm~e and unnatural. ·u.H)rl.:, as himfdf fecn1s to term it '? How Jhall I give thee up,. ·o Ephraim? How foal! I give thee ttp? 0 . that my people bad hearkened ttJJto ·me, that · :({raeJ had ,~JtO'VJtt 117:J WqJJ f 0 Jeru.fo/em f 0 Jert!folem! &c. · · Ag.ain, As God waitcth patiently for our· reforn1ation, fo he doth make ufe of many rnethods and n1eans to bring us unto it. lie hath publiihed the gofpel through the· \vorld, and brought down . the_knowledge· of it to our days, in !pite of aH t.be oppo-· .fition of devils and n1en. I-:Ie hath cfia– blifued a church, and appointed a whole order of men, wbofe peculiar calling and· , bufinefs in the~ world is, to take care of peoples fouls, to inftru& tl1en1 .in the way . to heaven,. and as ambaJJiutors i;J Chriff's, {ic;;d, fa .beje.ech thenz to be :rccon.cile:d ttJJ!o ·God. · 7'hefe are fome of his con1n1on nler·– des: but l.yho .can expre.fs that favour apd' love whieh he fheweth to his own, to thofe blctfed perfons whon1 heclnlfcth, and eau- . feth . to approach unto hii11~elf, when ·-t1e refcueth the-m from the vanity oftheir cot1-· vcrfation, and tbat pollution -whic!J is in tbe· - Y 2 4/Jorld