256 The Du~y (l.nd P ieafirrc ..world tbroug1J luJi; when he moulddh their fouls unto, a conformity with hin1felf, and fhtn1peth his bleffed image upon them ; · \Vhcn ·he viGteth then1 with his Holy Spi– rit, and filleth their heart with thoft hid– den pleafures \vhich none can underHand but thofe that feel them! A Jlranger iu- , ten1zeddleth not. "witb their joy. And yet even thefe are but the earnefi of that great ' felicity for which .he hath dcflgned us; thofe joys tbat are at his ri_ght hand, 1 thoft pleqjitres that endure fir evermore. E]e hath ·no'tfieH, r.or ear beard, nor can it e·nter into· tbe heart of mmt to concei""ue ·what Gqtl hatb prepared for thoft that love bi;u. And it doth·not yet apjiJear ·what we (hall be. Mean while thofe fi11all and irnpcrfeet difcoveries. which arc made to us in the holy fcrip.tur– es of that inconceivable happincfs, are en– ough to ovenvhcln1 us \Nith admiration and wonder.. To. think that the bldfed day is con1it;g, when we fhall be loofcd ' fron1 thefe dull and lumpifh bodies; thofe finks of corruptioh, difeafes and pains ; thofe prifons and dllngcons. of our heaven– horn fouls; and', being clothed with robes of light and glory, fhall get above the clouds, and ::dl thofe ftorns and_t OY1pe £t 'Vlhich are here below; and be carried intO