Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

OfJ..1r. Henry Scougat 3.89 Eoly and divine temper of n1ind ·; and how they all tended. and· were employed to in-~ creafe the fan1.e in -himfdf, and fHr it up in··. others, and to revive f6mething of the an– _dent Chrifiian piety and goodnefs ih the · world. To me io · live is Chrijl. Indeed"welt may it be faid of his life, whofe early be– ginnings and · firfl: blo1Ion1s ·were feafoned with pious inclinations, ·as welt as rhe ma;. t.urc:r periods of ir. The right n1anaging· of infancy and ·childhood, is ordinarily the leafl: of a parent's care; and any pious ex– ercifes are ufually the leafl: of chHdrens- ·thoughts. Every trifle tickfes their fan– cies, and takes up their fpirits: little paD. fi-ons and envies, and other Hft1es of our· ·natural corruption, begin to fprout fortH .even in that tender age. But our deceafed•. friend, as it was his father's .pious defign:·: to devote him to the fervice of God and'. his church in this -holy funcrion,. who did' therefore take a fuitable care even of his .- - infancy and childhood; fo his pious inc}i:..... · nations, and the fuitable difpofitions of his-·: fpirit, did happily confpire with i't; and fie · g_ave early indications of thetn even in thofe tender years. . He was not taken up- with dte .pfays andJ1ttle diverfions of· thofe of lCJ~. 3:. htS'·