Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

Of 1'1r. H·enry Scougal: 39 n fpil·it ·; By -zubat meaJts Jljall a young man: learJJ to pur~[y his -zvay? by taki11g h·eed there-. to according tot!ry word. The diverfions he · W(\S then p1ofi taken with, did fpeak out the rgrcatnefs of his mind and fpirit ;, and .: he feemed to act- all the grandeur of this . "'·orld while a child: \V hen, in learning the. Latin be began to underfl:and the Roman.. flory, he retired ufually with the mofi: in-· genious of his feliows, compofed little ora– tions, and aCted the parts of Roman fena- – tors. / 1 cannot omit that vafin~fs- of n1e– n1ory; and forw.ardnefs -of j udgmetH; which ~ did even then appear; in that, when he take notice of the daily reading of the holy fcriptures at home, he could not · only repeat fcveral :verfes·at that tin1e, .whe- - 'ther the -hifiorical or other parts;_but af– terwards, upori the turning to any fuch , particular cbapter, could call then1 to re... n1embrance; an<;l·w-hereas thofe of that age·· can for the moH: part remember only fon1e : little incoherent paffages of publick fer-– mons, ' he did ufually take up their whole: ' fcope, and'.gave a· brief account~ of them•. And though· c~ildren generally love only the fcdety of their fellows,.. or fuch ·as can; entertain· then1 . w.ithf filly and feolilli_ fro'" ries ; : yet~ fu~h_ was~ the. ferioufnefs: of his:~ ' fiP. ' irit·"' • 2i'