3·92· A 'Sermo;t at the ]i''zmeraT fph·it, and the love he even then bad for ·knowledge and~ good ·men, that when he. had·the opportunity of hearing .ferious and, revercnd·· perfons, who ufcd to refort ~o his. father'-s houfe; he was careful to attend to~ them and liften· to their wife and pious dif– courfes. l-lis in1provcments in:ln.1man li– terature ·were beyond the ordinary auain– n!ents of his-ag·e; having not only acquired· 'a fingular a11d. unaffeCted elegancy in the Lat.:n·tongue, but alfo a-confiderable pro~ ficiency· in Greek, in·. the I-Iebrew, and fome other of the oriental' languages; be– ing verfed alfo in hifl:ory, and in ge0n1etry, .,. . and other parts of the mathematicks. And fuch was the clearnefs of his apprehenfion, and the forwar~nefs ofhis-judge~ent, that, tlpon· the overhearing an. occafional dif.,. " courfe of fon1e_who-were· palling their firfi years· in the univerfity, he did quickly take up the nature of aJjllogijin, the t1fe ofjjm– bo!s in contriving it, and coutd 'readily fonn one upon any- fubjecr. Snch- were his attainments, and fuch \vas the temper; of his fpirit in that earJy . period of his. life, w:hich others for the mofi · part fpend in vanity.and folly, and begin to repent of when. they come to think themfelves men. ·And.we. may fee _how much··, ,..