Oflv!r. Henry Seougal. 3'93: much a prudent father's wife and pious care, when it meets with a. fit temf'er and, difpofition · in a child, n1,ay contribute to, plant the feeds of .thofe virtuous endow-– mentsand good indinations in that tender: :1ge, which '\vill bring· forth tnuch fruit in. their riper· years; and ·with how ~uch reafon the \vife·n1an bids us, Train up a. child in the ·way hejhouldgo, a11d when.he i.r. old he 'itJill not depart from it. But thepaths of the juft are as the ihin– ing light, whieh ihineth n1ore _ana more 1:1nto the perfeCt day. Thefe were the " early dawnings ofpietyahd goodnefs which appeared in hi1n in thofe firfl: years of his age, before he c-ame ·to this corner.of our • land; and there became ftill tnore n1anifefl: and confpicuous. His improvements had now fi-tted hin1 fo~ the univerkty; a1_1d here he gave further proofs of a pious difpofi- . _, tion and a capacious underftanding. He was far removed frohl thofe levities and· foolifh cuftoms, thofe little animofities and firifes which the inconfid.erate youth arct fometimes guiltyof; but was even then grave and_flayed in his deportment, a~s was obferved by' aH, ·yet free and unaffected~ The learning that was then in fafhion, · though he faw qUite through it, yet it ·did not