Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

""96 A Sermon .at the Funeral :> having given fuffi.cient proofs of his fitnefs, by teaching for -the next tcrn1 the clafs, of one who was .pccafionally abfent, he was accordingly pro1noted. · And even in this -fiation, ·to him to li'"'ue ~UJas Chrifl. He was careful fo to behave himfelf in his own con– -verfation, and in the exercifes of that of– fice, as to preferve his own confcience pure, -andvoid of offence, and to ferve tJ1e inter– cil:s of Chrifl:ianity; training up the youth in fuch principles of learning and goodnefs; ~s might make·.then1 n1ofl: ferviceable. both to churc_h and fl:ate. He was careful not to drive on little defigns, or n1antain fac– •tions and heats in the fociety, but .fl:udied ~lways to con1pofe then1; and, when it ·would not do, they were .his regret.; but he was fure not to make one of the1n. He always preferved his authority entire a– n1ongft the unruly youth, and would quick– ly compofe their diforders and tumults, -and yet gain their love and efleem; and knew well how to entertain them w.ith free– dom and kindnefs, and yet oblige thenl . to that refpeCt that becotnes a fcholar towards his ma!l-er. S0 far was he fr01n de– ·figning his .own private gain, that when a. tumult had arifen an1ong the unruly youth, in which there were fome under his care · wl1o