Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

400 A Sermon at the Fu11era! pearanies of evil. He iludied, during his iliort ftay, by catechizit1g, to infirucr his peop1e, with the greatefr ptainnefs and affec– tion, in the right fenfe and knowledge of re– ligion and thei~r duty; and to .iliew then1 the - folly and tulfeafonablenefs of thofe fhifts ' and prerences whereby they encouraged then1fclves in a bad life. He endea.vour.ed to underf1and their tempelis, and acco!dingly ~o apply ~'litnfclf to then1. He was de_eply fenfi.ble of the little fenfe of religion tha' generally appeared: and when ·he fa-vv a11y ~')ark of goodn.efs, how firangely was he cheered with it I I-Ie n1ore valued the hutn– ble innocen~e, and cl1earful conto.Jtroen.t and re.Ggnation of one poor .woman in tha.t place, th:J.n all the n1ore goodly appeat:an:– ccs of others; having o.ft in his n1outh, IndoL~li cmlmn rapiuut. He endeavoured to bring thcn1 to a devout and conf1ant at– tendance on the publick wor.fhip; where he always went and joined with then1 a.t the beginning of it;. thinking it very unfit, that the invocation of Alm-ighty G.od, the reading of fon'le portions of the holy fcrip– tures, n1akicg a confeilion of our Chrifiian faith, and rebearfing the ten con1n1and- . n1ents fhould be lookedupon only as a prrc- , l:u!ium, for uil1ering in the people to the church,