Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

4~}· A Ser.ma11 at the F zineral both fides. But, in this, fure, I may · ap- · peal to .alL that heard him, whether his dif-.. courfes and· his-. 1nanner of uttering the1n, did not ferye at. once. both to enlighten. their n1inds, and- warn1 their hearts? And. fo tencle.r was heof the honour and reputati~ on due to the preaching of the gofpel; that as .he. was careful,' on the one Band, to ex~ prefs himfelf in the..mofl: plain, intelligible, . and affectionate words..; fo, alfo, on the. other, to avoid all childiili n1etaphors, apiili . gefiures, j.~fts, anl{ big_words, and other. fuch . ind~cencies . as, did not becon1e the gravity of the function; and were ap,t" to occafion the fmites and laughter.of the. p.rofane, rather.than the piety of the ferious•. And I dare. fay, the n1oft profane [coffers. of the. nation ·were. never. tempted to turn his expreffions or geftures into ridicule. Nay n1any of avo.wedly plofligate lives· have been ex.tren1eiy .affected with his fer:– n1ons, which pricked thetn at their hearts, he laid then1 fo.. op,en to then1felves, and made then1 fo fenGble of their brutiilinefS a.nd . danger, as they th.emfelves have ac– knowIedged. I cannot here otnit the deep fenfe· b'e had of true -eloquence, and his high value foi . it; profeffin&. he would exchange f~~ l~ '