4-o·6 A· s~rm/J n at the F uneral God had ddigned hin1 for a n1ore univerfal u{e and fervice in his church; and there– fore, by the wife providence of the Almigh– ty, he is-rcn1oved from a private charge in· the country, to a·more general,one, of train- · ing up the youth for the holy n1inifl:ry, \ and the care of n1ens fouls. Promotions of this nature, efpecially when they are 1 n1adc by the votes of n1any are ufually at– tended with little factions, combinations, and heats: but as the purchafe \vas none of his dc:Ggp, fo the general fenfe of his \vorth and goodnefs gave hin1 the unani-– nlous voice of the clergy of this diocefe, . who proJnote to that fiation, and the uni– v.erfal approbation of all that knew hin1: and the apprehenfion lie had or the weigHt and importance ofthat office, and his mean thoughts of hin1felf, made him deliberate about it till thdr next meeting. Ind'eed; both his natural, acquired, acd moral endown1ents, n1ade hin1 be judged by all worthy of this charge. His n1e1nory was _ fingular; and though he loved rnore to·. fiudy things than words, yet for infl:ance, in a fewdays titne he learned to underfrand one of our Tl7eflern languages, and could'. read it in E1tglijh with n1ore readinefs than . thofe who. had lived ·many years·where - ~t l S..