Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

4 I o A Sermon at the Funeral ficulty, the neceffity and ufefulnefs of the holy funcrion of the n1inifiry; the nature of · ·that call we ought·to have to it, t~e necef-:– ,fary difpofitions that are .required to fit us for .it, 'the n1anner of our own private life . .and converfation in it, and how we ought -to difcharge the :feveral exercifes of it both ,publick and private. The other, ·the in- -firucring then1 in cafieiflical ·div inity; the confidering how afnanof a fl:rait confcience ought to be.have him!elfin whatever ftate .or condition of life he be, and whatever .- cafes and circumG:anccs he fall into; and the branching out this into particulars and vindicating it fron1 ·tl~ e corruption .of the Je!ttits, and others. So great and good .,were ,the defigns he propofcd unto hi1nfelf, As to n1atters of .coi1tro.verfy, he fi:udied -iather to leffcn -than n1l1ltiply; and faw ..that n1en were apter .- to be reafoned out of -erroneous perfuafions by a good life, than _ many arguments. He thought it enough ·to make ·the youth underftand the true ·fiate of matters ·in debate? and to confi– der ·the n1ofl: weighty differences ·? but he was careful to .take ,them ·Off as n1uch as -poffible froJn .. the difputing hun1our, and an itt-h ,of wrangling pro and co1t about any thing; and many tin1es by filence an-~ · · -fwered