/ Of Mr. I-Ienry Scougal. 4'I5· nut it is a great matter ~0 talk little, and yet fay much. - And fure, whoev~r . confiders the importance of the matter of that bopk, the clear reprefentation of the life and fFi"" rit of true religion, and ·its graceS;· with the great excellency and advantages of it, the propofal ~of" the 1nofl: ~ffetl:ual means .for..at- . taining to it _by the grace of God, the pie– ty and feafonablenefs of the devotions, to--. , gether with the natural · and. affectionate eloquence of the fryle, cannot but be fen= - ' fible of its great ufefulnefs 1 to infpire us··, with the fpirit of true-religion, to enlight- – en our minds.with a right fenfe and know– ledge of it, to warn1 our hearts with fuit... - able affeetions and breathings afte~.- it, and to direCt ·our li.vcs to the pracrice of it. And ·' indeed, it feems to ltave been~ in a great~r rneafure the tranfcript-·of his own life and· ~ fpirit~ Thofe divine grac€s : and virtues.– which he fo clearly defcribes, fhined forth . in his own life and converfatioJJ ;-.and .he_ – not only underfl:o0d, but felt them. ,.fhat.-. faith and.love, and charit.y, that purity, and-·': humility, W'hich he fo paillonately recom-· mends and f£eaks of? .did eminently appear ,– throughout the ·whole wurfe of l:is ·lifc. · What:-' a deep fenfe. had he of the .trutl1s.:, o£:· O.Uf;, rdit~ion t2lie .ftlffered_ them_ not . tO·? e;:,, :!loa~ I