Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

4- r ·6' A 'SermtJn at the FuNeral float on his underfl:anding, to be n1atter-of talk and difpute with others; but he le e. theJn fink deep into ·his fpirit, to renew his foul, and.·direcl:: his life, and was -careful to. make ufe of alLmeans that n1ight give hin1,. a deeper fenfe of them. What a deep fenfe. had he of the godnefs-Gf. God, the won– derful ·n1ercy of our redemption .by Jejits. Chrifl, the corruption, and degeneracy, and finfulncfs of our nature, the excellency of goodnefs, and the hap.pinefs - of heaven ?" And his deep fcnfe of all this,. was the -.· fpring and ·root of all his other graces. In how· n1anifold infl:ances did appear,.. the ardency of h·is love to God ? He waS':· fiill breathing with more ardent defires af-.-– ter him, and was forry he could love him,.., no more.- He was-frequently admiring his ,. wifdom and goodnefs in the g(>Vernn1ent of- -:· the world, and the wife difpofal of things .. ~ .. It--was ,not· tho mean principles of cufiom~ reputation, or vailfl-glory,. ot ·a fervile fear; that .made,c-arefully avoid all evil i~ his praCtices-;. but· the ardency of his. love to his heavenly fath er ; and therefore his~life was {o uniforn1 and conftant to itfelf, . and carefully en1ployed in doing_all . the. good-:-he could~·; and : any:' thing ·. whereby God:migtLhe.. g~orified; and he.. was... frill fenfiblc.._: ,