Qf l~~f;r. Henry Scougal. 4·r·7 fenGble how little he could de worthy of his love. His own inclinations wen~ cor.– .refpondent to the refolutions ofhi-s- pious father from his chiLdhood; and he had·de– 'voted himfdf for the fcrvicc of Jejus Chri ft in the minifhv. Thofe in.whon1 he obfer;- "' ferved virtuous endown1ents, and the mofl: pious inclinations, he eocouraged by a!l 1neans to the fcrvice of God in the holy; funftion, he endeavoured always aften an abfolute reGgnation of his will to hhE,. looking upon this-as the ·very life of all graces. I-Ie was very obferving of the va– Fious pa!fages of his providence towards him, and very fenfible ofhisogoodnefs in croiling fome dcfigns, which he afterwards fawwould have been inconvenient for hi-m~: He was- car:efiiT1o -obferve-" aH the ·fieps of -providence; and· when they feemed not to ' approve of his intentions, ho\v, eager fa– ever his defires had been, he was fure not to go one fiep farther. He was ardent and. confiant in his devotions· towards God. His p._iety and zeat was-. very en1inent in the: publick worfoip, when he was the mouth, of the people; his . devotion was fo raifed,. and the humble fervour and ferioufnefs of his fpirit -fo vifible, as did highly inflaJne the devotion of the fcrio.us ; ,and v;hen ,he n1ade