,'OfMr. 'Henry Scougat 4-I9 :i1allowed and raifed .by the love .of God into .aholy-charity. :His foul was .as .wide as the world, and.his love_anq_good-will were unherf:1l, .and ·ev.ery min ' the .objeCt -of ·them., .His prayers and good willies were extended to all men; ..and all the ·harm he could do his enen1,ies, .(if there were any : fuch univerfal haters.,·_of n1ankind as to do :·him bad offices), was;;to ,,pray for then1 )the n1ore earnefHy to ·GoJ. He did .. not -confine his charity within . a ~ fecr or party, . but loved goodnefs where-ever he found :it; and entertained .no harfh thoughts of --n1en, n1crely upon their differing from hin1 ·1n this or that opit1ion. I-Ie was grieved at .,_the difl:ra-B:ions and divifions·of the church; .and that religion, the bond·· of love;ihould ':·be made fo much the bond of contentions. What prudent :methods would .his fin– ,~ere '; Iove and charity · ~o others pron1pt hiin :cto, to undeceive them in -their errors?:How .·Jneekly would he difcourfe· ·with ihcn1 a– '··bout their differences? calmly -fhewing the dinall . in?IJortance:oLfon1e things, not worth ,the contending for, and making appear the )bad influence that other things had .as te ~ holinefs .and a ..good ·life; and yielding in •-Others, again, that were not contrary to the ,.defigns of religion.; m.aking ·. them .fenfible :of