Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

420 A Sermon at the ~F,uJJeral of the finccrity of his foul, and his hearty good-will to -thetn. .He was far fron1 n1aintaining a difierence upon the account of ftoutnds ·of humour, or keeping up the reputation of a feet or party, being defl– rons we ihould all be united in the gene– ral ·religion of Jefus Chrifl, and ·fiudying to n1ake friends, and unite the hearts of thofe w·ho had been divided by names and parties. And thu-s, ifat firfl: .he did not pre– vail over ·n1ens prejudices, ·yet ,he failed not to ·gain their hearts; and fo, by degrees, · tnade way for hisfeafonable difcourfes. And 0 what holy charms and pious arts .had he to catch n1ens fouls , and to make then1 .pur– fue ·their {)Wfl h4ppinefs? A charity which he thought far fuperi 0r to any .that coqld be done for the body, (though he was en1i– nent -in that kind alfo), and of ·which he 'vould fpeak with ·tl1e greatefi concern and emotion of fpirit. How n1any arts had he to bettet them, and n1ake thern good and happy? His love n1ade hitn always as intent upon this, as the love of ·n1oney will n1ake the covetous 'n1an bendall his thoughts and - defigf.l s to add to his treafure. How would he take advantage fron1 every thing, to n1ake all things work together for their good; !-Ie feen:>.ed to be the vifible fpring that