Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

/ ' Of Mr. Henry S~gal. 421 that put all good defigns }n -n1~tion , for bettering the fi:ate of our church. .He W 1 S. . t~e genius that put life and 1pirit into th e ferious fi:udies and ,pious endeavours of thofe he converfed with. How careful was he ·to prqpagate every where right appre– henfions of religion? and what vifible in– fluence had he an1ong us in this matter? - What wife ·methods had he to n1ake l1is friends fenfible of their infirmities and failings, ' by fpeaking to then1 of his own ? and to fi:ir them up to zeal and dilige'nce " in piety and good works, and to the ufe of the n1ofi: effeCtual 1neans for purify– ing their fouls, by telling then1 inftance ~ of the piety and life of others of hi~ ac– quaintance? He was careful-even to .__ n1ake· . his ordinary. converfation ufeful for thi s end, both in giving the example of an unj affeCted n16defi:y and m~eknefs, and drop~ .ping in always fomething that might make ~hen1 n1ore in love with religion aod good– nefs. The effects of his love ancl. care of n1ens fouls extended even to thofe who . . . , knew hiln not; and he obliged always hi~ fri ends and acquaintances, as there was occafion, to employ. the interefl: of their friendihip and fami liarity with \ others, in perfuading then1 to piety and ~ good life; N' n and