Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

OfMr. Henry S coug~l. 423 · ·and aJrus more profitable to themfelves and others. And a tenth thus chearfully .befiow– ed, a<;:companied with the other cxercifcs of a pious life, wol1ld undoubtedly bring in' its hundred-fold of bleffings in this , .'world, and in theworld to come life ever– lafl:ing, And, as"he was carefu'l ~hus to provide for' charity and alms, fo alfo to difpofe 'of it aright. He didnot his alms to be flen of mell; many .were revived by his bounty, who knew . n-othing _of. it. I-Ie chofc out fome fit perfons} both in the city and the country who wen~ acquainted with the neceffities and · flraits of poor, n1od.eft, honefl: houfe-keepers, to whom he frequently gave ' money to relieve their wants. And thefe were fomet!mes honefl: · pcrfons of differe~t perfuafions, ':' ho were'" relieved in their .fl:raits they knew not. by~ whom. A' nob re e~ample of Chrifl:ian charity! bldfed be God there are yet,fome -fparks of it in the world: God grant fuch - pious examples may encourage and ftir: up n1ore to a Chrifl:ian imitation o.f them. Nor was his charity fo exemplary only in the liberal difpenfing of portions of his yearly . incomes, but alfo in fuch a prudent difpo– fition of what the \l\rifdo1n of providence, · and his pious father's care had provided' I\l · n z · f.or •/