. OfMr. Henry Scougal. .427 . .- the re.putatio'n of their feel: )and party, in thofe things efpeCially, wherein they differ from oth~rs; and this ordinarily 11fakes the· fiudies and de·figris on all ·fl·des to rup into thi'S channel. But perhaps, if infiead . of fuch groun~lefs divitions and· fchifms; and <pretence of bettering the fia:te of r~-· ligion, n1ore care were Jlad to, entertain and_propagate an holy an~ fincere frien~:. dihip \VC _n1ight fee Inore hldfed , frutts of it; whilfr, by the friendly commun– ications· of .the ferious, their fentiments ab9ut religion would be n1utually clear~ ed, , their minds united, and rbey inftruc– ted in the beft 1n~ans of purifying thei~ hearts, inflamed with one ano~her's zeal , and fiirred up· to fpread the fatne temper_ · I among ·others, as lar as their influences· c(n~ld reach. Su·ch an holy COlnbination· (no.t to obferve the vows of any par– ttict1lar order,< or ,to- divide .fron1 the refl: of the world, but) t0 follow Jefus; to live according to his holy religion, and to per- , fuade others who profefs'it to a fincere con- "' formity thereunto; 0 · how de:firable were it! It was thus, me-thinks, that the Son of · God did ai firfi: fpread his Religion in the wo:rld; it was thus that the .zeal and piety. :of his,followers did continue it; and it is thus \