428 - A Serml)n at the Funeral thus that we mu~ expeCt to fee the life and fpirit of it to breathe once again a-– n1ongfi us. And now I need not fpeak much of the purity and cleannefs of his heart, and hiSt great unconcernednefs for this prefent. world, it-having be~nthe general obfervati– on of aU that knew him. He looked in– deed alwa) s· as a ftranger and pilgrim in: it; and was dead to it in heart and fpirit long before his ·body had taken leave of it. Good God! what a deep fenfe had he· of the n1eannefs and vanity of this world's,. hurry and defigns, which he ufed to fay looked to hin1like the projefls-and fcufHe of children and fools? In his very youth his heart was clear of any inclination to it;. and he wou~d even then fay to his intimates,. that, abfiracting fr01n the will of God, tnere curiofity wol'lld make hitn long for another world, it being a tedious thing to fee fiill· the fame dull play aeted over again hereo Wh~t lit'de regard had he to the getting or_ ' keeping of what the world calls ~e,dth and– riches? Never \vas he feen to have any projeCt: that tended that v1.ay-. He could fcarce expend any thoughts about his yearly' incomes, but remitted fiill the care of thar to others, without calling the1n to ~m ac~ count. /