Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

I Of Mr,_ Henry Scougal 439 n1ore peculiar care, his children, -of whorn · he travailed in birth, till Cbrifl fhould be formed in you, whon1 he was fo felicitous to have fitted for th~ fervice of Jefus, and the care ot fouls; alas! who can blam,e your tears, or with-hold your grief? My father, nry father, -tbe chariot o.f lfrael, anrl ' the horfomen thereof. It is not poffible for me tO exprefs the bleffing you had in him: I know your own hearts are fenfi.hle of it beyond all I can fay. 0 what an 1.1feful ,guide atid direCtor was he ! How dear were · you unto hiin! How unaffectedly humble ~nd ingenuous in his _converfation! Hovy wi(e and pious vvere his inflrucrions and ad~ vices! How m.uch were his thoughts ~aken up about you, n1aking them all ferve f:Or .his great defign of fitting you for the holy funcrion! And how great and uBfpeakable is your lofs! 0 let us adore, and fubmi-t to -the divine provi,dence. Seareh and try your hearts, and confider your ways, and rec– kon what fruit you have brought fouh worthy -effuch a blding; and whether you have not deferved the reJn·oval of that ligl1t, while y.ou have been fo little' careful ·to be enlighten.ed by his infiruetions, or warmed by his piety and zeal. G{)d withdraws . frotn us fuch ufcful bleffings to fiir us.up to