Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

_Of Mr. I-Ienry Scougal · ·· 441 1. how he diverted you from fuch learning as was not apt to give you a fenfe of piety and religion; took you off from an itching cu– riality about queftion's and ftrifes of words; which minifter to vanity and contention; perfuaded you to deannefs ofheart, truly pi– ous deGgns, and frequent devotion, as the beft difpoGtions and helps for knowledge: at1d directed you to fuch books and ftudies as might ferve to give you a right and deep fenfe of Ghri_fl:ianity, and of the importance and duties of the holy funCtion. Ren1ernber how much he bewailed the unfeemly hafte, and unfit methods and arts which fom·e ufed, to thruft themfclves inro the holy 1ninifhyr .. anq adnlired the different conduCt of the ho– ly men in old times; who, fenfible of its g· 1·-"'~t.:w.:;>.· 1 • v--h t _-;~ ~ ..J_ '1 o_nrehPn (; .. ·'""J"£ th-"'; r oyutl "\...1.4 '- <::> ......., ~-i.-•-U -rr--· --... - ...........--. ...... '-'Ac-.tS-'-" ...... "'""'_,, .. infufficiency, were almoH always forced to it by the people, and the governor.s of the' · · Church. Confide!, I befeech you, of what _importance he thought it both for your own fouls. anJ thofe which 1night be your charge, that you fuould ufe all prudent n1eans fi.ncerely to examine yourfelves be.:. fore-hand, of your fitnefs both in heart and fpirit for that employment, an_d the purity ofyour intentions, defigning truly the fervicc of Jefus Chrifl, and the good of n1ens fouls and I .I