Of Mr. Henry Scougal 42f!3 · aright, if our ey·c be not fixed upon its .end it all fubordina;ie ends have not a ref- ' . . . peer to the great end of our being. The holy calling has this for its immediate end and ddign; .and, next to it, yours. has the nearefl: relation to it. _We are fct apart to <leclare the light which Jefus Chrifl has re– vealed from heaven, by which he brought life and immortality to light thr~ugh the go.f pel; ar~d you, to clear up the remains of the light of nature that is within us; anrl he that dwelt in light inacceffi~le, is the foun- , tain and author of both. We ongh t to be careful, t~1at men be not mHled by falfe ·lights, nor miftake darknefs for light, and to perfuade them to l!ve by . the light -of Jejits Chrifl: and you are to be--ware that we do not take the prejudices ofchild-hood, -cuHon1, and education, our own or other n1ens fooliili fancies fo·t: dear nodons and lights of our underftanding. ·As the bad 11fe of our reafon, and the confufion ·of the light of nature, has made men pervert or difuelieve fhe ligl) t ofJej'its Chrijl; fo l"i1e fincere and right u{e of h doth firangely , difpofe us to receive _ that light, to adn1ire and love it, and to lead our lives according– ly. True philofophy leads us to acknow– iedge and 'adore .the author ofour being; to