.4r44 A Sermon at the Funeral to 8dn1ire his infinite perfeCI:ions, fr.on1 ,the · vaftoe(", order, and ufefulnefs of his works; to be fenfible of his abfolute difpofal of all things, and our ~ntire . dependence upon hitn for life, thought, and n1otion. It fhews us the fpiritual nature ofour in1mortal fouls, and the meannefs and vanity offenfual plea– fures. It difcovers to us the fhortnefs of our r~afon, and the little ground we have for vanity, eitlier for knowledge,who know fo few and fo little of his \'~rorks, or for what we ·can do, who owe all to him, and bear fo n1ean a proportion to the univerfe ofbodies and fpirit-s. It lets us fee, that our only happinefs were to have our wills u- . nited to his; and .fhews us, that we fhould love him above all, and have .an univerfal love for all n1en; ;:tnd that all our felicity confifis in fiudying thus heartily the com– mon good of the world. "It gives occafion 1 to n1ake us fenfible of the firange corrupti– on of our hearts,11nd how far we are fron1 being what we ihould ne, and how 'unable ;we are to give ourfdves thofe difpofitions of love, and fear, and reverence, that we owe our maker. And thus it leads us to the Redeen1er of 1nankind, and makes ap– pear how much need we have of his grace and truth. I doubt not but thefe, and fuch like·