) Of 1V1r. Henry Scougal 445 like confiderations,·do engage you to make · . this your great view. and defign, to dif– pof~ the youth, both. by your infln.1~'1ion3 ' and exan)plc, to a nght r ~1fe of rehgiDu, and fuitable apprehenfions of the niaker o( the world, and th~ redtemer bf n1;lnkind; . without which view philofpphy is alto- - · gether vain and impertinent. . And you . yourfd~vcs know how examplary your friend \vas in making it ufeful_for this end. His piotis and Chrifiian Ethicki, his.peacc– able and devote life, his private infiruction and training up of the youth, ·in order to this defign, will be lafiing ren1en1branccs of , it to many ages. · And now,,.tpy brethren, what .!hall we fay; or whither fuall we tu~n our tho~1ghts! Alas! our lofs is great and unfpeal~able. , How n1uch do we fiand in need of fuch lights and exan1ples! Alas! how weighty ·is our . employment! What prudence and piety does it call for! I-Iow dangerous is the neglect, or , ill management of it! What need have we of fL1ch a monitor to fuake off our floth, and a.w·e, and infhuEt us by his example!" P arijhes are holy '· ihips, as 011e Jays"!<. \vhofe Curates are the "pilots, and eternity the port they n1u£l: ' P p " 1 guid.e «: Entretiens de 1'Abbe Jean. &c. p. ·370• . ' ·~. "