Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

446 A Sermon at the Funeral " guide ~hen1 to. If it need fo much art '" and fo long experience to fail upon '' the feas, what knowledge and prudence " does -it call for, to pafs over happily the _c;, fea ofthis ·world, where tempefis never " ce~fe ·? Alas! who can think,- without " fenfible grief ari_d bitter tears, that the · " helm of thefe vdfels, which contain fuch 1;, precious wares, as coft no lefs than the " blood of God, fliGuld be . committed " ordinarly to n1c:n of fo little experience; · " that they are not only ignorant of the · '' tcn1pef1_s, fuelvcs, and banks of this ter~ " rible fea, but even have not the firength – " and indufl:ry to guide their own little " vcfiel back to the road? And thofe " indlin1able riches are frequently intrufl:– " ed to thofe wh01n they will not truft .:' with a purfe of fifteen or twenty pieces• . " But, even when the pilots arc able, \vho " \vould not at laft lofe their courage to " fee them(elves failing amidfl: fo n1any ~;, hazards, and with fo little fuccefs? How '' n1any fiupid ones fall out of the veifel! 11 ' How n1any imprude11t ones get Otlt to (;' fail apart in fhallops? How n1any def– ~' perate ones throw themfelves 'over, and -- '~ abandon tpemfele~ to the fury of the ' ' \vaves? what difquiets, · wl~at griefs, and r " what