Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

·Of Mr. Henry Scougal 449 . t0 a;ll men that he' might .fave f0me. .N .one was ever n1ore mortified to covetoufnefs or filthy Jucre. . His charity in almfgivings was exemplary, in all things .!hewing him- . -: · felf a pattern ·of good works. In his doe~ trine he fhewed uncorruptednefs, gravity,. and ftt1cerity, found words that could not be· condemned. His difcourfe was always modeft,. and his converfation ufeful. He watched all ,occafions of doing good to n1ens fouls, and would not let them flip;. never n1an wa& .more apt to teach; heing .gentle to all men. Thofe that oppofed •, themfelves to the truth, or \vere .overtaken in a fault, he endeavoured to infh::uet, and _ reftore in ·the fpirit 'of m.eeknefs, avoiding. foolifh quefiions, and firifes ofwords.. And, by walking in all good confcience befor~· God. and tnan , he hath,. an1ong other thing~. given alingula.r inJl:ance ofgaining t!"le love and efteem of all; and of prefer\ting his perfon and his. office fvon1 :that contempt w:hich they fay is fo generally thro.wn up-· en our order. So that even fcarce any; n1an: defpifed his you~h. How m·ay we behold in his .life, as in a glafs., the v-irtues and · qualities ofa true Minifl:er of Jefos. Chrifl ?. What a living it?firuCl:io:t:l was it to .us,. whereby w_e rnigJlt 9hferve our own de- ·p p 3 .feas , , a , ' I