450 A Serm,on at the Funeral ' fec'ts, and be ftirred up to our duty? Who can fathom the n1yfteries of providence, or tell what judgn1ents n1ay threaten the church by rhe removal of fuch a burning and fhining light? The righteous man perijh– -eth, .and no man layeth it to heart; merciful 1<7lCJZ are taken away, non·e con.fidering that it • · is _from the evil to come. 0 that ·his life and exan1ple n1ay be yet a.Cl:ive among us:; that we n1ay be acted .by ·,the fame fpirit; 1 otton1ind ot1r owri things, hut the things of Jejiu Chrift; that we n1ay ~have pity oa 'Ourfelves ·and. this n1iferable .·church; that the fenfc of ··our lamentable difl:raftions ; and the univerfal corruption ·of n1ens lives, . ·:tnay fink deep into QUr hearts; 0 that the love of Jejus., and the care ,.of fouls, ·may · infpire our hearts, and direCt our fiudies, .and enliven our fe rmons, and increafe oui" vigilance, and guide our liv,es.l Sav e ·us, L r;rd, or e!fi ·we perijh. And now, n1y friends, w'hat words ·or r:; rief can exprefs our lofs ? you whorn nature or choice had n1ore peculiarly en– .dcared to him; you who wer.e honoured . ·with his frlendfh1p, :and bldfed :with his converfation ::: ":Who ·.wer.e :guided by his counfel, and ..comforted -by his ··prefence..; 'Who was -the reli!h .ofyour j<?ys, ~nd the . _ ,eafc I ( ..