Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

,Oflv!r. I-Ienry Scougal .45:1 , eafe of your griefs: .I am diflrelfedfor thee~ ,1f;y brother.; very pleafant ha(f thoubeen unto .me. · Thy love unto 11ze 7,va~ wonderful, pqf ftng the love of.womett, But, ~ a1asJ what do we n10urn· our private lofes, when the .Iofs is fo publick aud univerfal, and -every m_aa .- · ~ .concerned in it; while -it :is .not the remo– ·val of our candle only, but-of a -light of the w.otld, and a publick good? Every n1an who .knew him, ot ·heard of him, claims a . ihare in our grief, and bewail their·particul– ar lofs in hin1. The affectionate father re-– ~n1e111bers a mofi: dutiful and comfortable fon; .relations cry out ofthe ·ldfs of their .dearefi: and tnofl: ufeful kinfman .; friends · .bewail their being torn fron1 .a– deed .; the learned bemoan the :want ·.of a . ·great ·owner and promoter .of truc ·know– Jege; the youth:latnent their·being deprived . ··.of a mofl: pious, wife, affectionate and ufefu] 1guide; the poor groan for ·the ·lofs of .a fa:.. <ther ;·the devout find the want ofa director ,~and pattern; the. ·church fee1s herfelf de-' :;priv.ed . of ,one .of h_er .purefl: lights: the .'.clergy are fenfible he was to then1 an en– ~fample and an ~:honour; the _people acknow– ~ledge,1:hey·had a ble~ng of him in his life .:and doctrine; the whole ·nation may feel ;the Wflllt .. of a 'great promoter ·of true loy- . , . .alty,