452 -A Sermo1t at - the Funeral .ahy, and all Chrifl:ian virti1es and graces, by his example and infl:ruB:ions, and are fen– fible what an honour he was to them: yea, · the feveral _feas, among us lament his lofs.,. . and feen1 to confefs, that a few like him ' \vould foon heal our /chi(ms; and that his pious · life, and meek infl:ruCl:ions, if any thing, ·would foon have recovered thep:1 from their error.s. - ·0 how is our lofs fwallowed up in the publick! My father, myfather, the chariots oflfrael, andthe borftinen thereof. - But whither would our paffions drive ns? ,Jhall we -forget the governor of .the world, and who is the· Lord of lift and death? We muft-not look on his ren1ovall from us ~sa fatal neceffity, -or a blind ftroke of chance and fo'rtun·e; -as the fport of the · . hun1our-s and ·part-s that compofed his bo– dy. No no. T 'he 'author of the univeife employs ftill that po\ver, and wifdom, and goodnefs, in ruling the world, that he did- . in n1aking it. In· him we live, and mo7Je., and have our being. His.hand is -in every. thi~g that befab us .;. all that {hikes .our · fenf~s, ·which we (te, or hear, . or know, otr feel w·ithin ourfelves, and ·impute to other 'infirmnents, are :really the effects of .his power, and are ordered by him for great and