Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

/ Of Mr. Henry Scougal 453 ~nd wife ends. A hair of our head dtJes not .fall to the g·round without h/s leave. This that has now befallen us, is an holy indif– pcnfable effecr ofa decree of the provi- . dence of God, to be executed in its due time. I-Ie l1ad not fent in him into this world for a 'lafring temporal comfort unto ~ us, but for ·the great and v:ife ends of his own ·glory, and of the wor Id tlfat is to C_Qp.1e. Let us not look upon this accident in itfdf: but i-n God, and his will. Let us, in hunble filence, adore the unTearchabie depth of his fecrets; qcknowledge the holi– nefs of his decrees; blefs the conduC:t of his providence; and, (according to that fingu– lat example which we have feen on this occaGon, : in one of the greatefl: fatherly affections, heightened by all kit].ds of en– dearments), uniting our. wills to the will of God, and facrificing our natural paffions, unto it, let us walk with him, in him; and for him, and w,hat he bath willed in us, and for us, to all eternity. - And, truly, if we look upon our dear friend, and confrder what he bath been, and what he now is, and fhall be to all e– ternity, it will n1ake us. yet the ri1ore fen- ' fible how mud1 we ought to our– felves to, and glorify the will of our heaven- . " "ly