Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

' UJ 1\llr. Henry Scouga~ .-}57 world; who is·out ofthe reach ofall thofe temptations and· !nares j whofe foul is nn= clogged-from .an ear.thly body, freed frotn its guilt, and cleanfed fron1 its corruptions· by the blood · of Jefus, and put beyond -~ the poffibility of ever finning or offending. again{t its 1naker, which nowonlybegi ns to live, (the being born into _this world being rather a death, and dying the beginning to live fo r ever); being now aU·Jight, and, ];fe, and love, and motion, feei ng and· God; havin,g :i ts will ''wholly fvval– lowed up in his, being as it were loil: in him, and in tHe rapturous blifs of his love; joining in pure a.nd holy fricndihip with angels and archangels, and the fpi rits of Jufi men made perfeCt, in adoring and ad– l11iri·ng our l\!Iaker and Redeen1er, being enlarged in holy charity and ardent prayers for us poo.r n1ortals here belovl, and re– joicing over one finner tl at rcpen_teth ; waiting for the redemption of the body, when this mortal fnall ptlt on immortality, and what is here fown in corrnption 2nd a natural· body, {hall be raifed in incorrupti– on uh-d fpir itual ; ancl death fhall be fwal– lowerl up in viCtory, when they ihall hap– pily be reunited, and live in joy and bli hc; to all ~tern ity-? B!ej)cdare the dead that die 111