Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

, '...J • A Serrno1z at the Fu11~ral i11 th~ Lord; they refl f1'om .their labour.r, 1nd their works do follow them. They t~c;t be w.ije, f!?all Jhine as the brightnefl of. the .firmament: and they~ thut turn many t .; -rzJ?h!eoufize/s, as the jlars for e7Jer anti ever. · Who can fpeaK aright of that happinefs which eye hath not feen, nor ear heard, :tlOr the heart of n1an- conceived? 0 let us not bewail the ahfence of our 'friend -...virh fruitlefs fighs or tears, nor flrrow as _th~y that ha·ve no hope; but let us always endeavour, after. his exaniplc, fo to live to Chrift in this world, tbat our death may be the f~11ne gain and advantage to us ; that . with him, and all the bleffed fpirits, we may live in eternal friendfuip, and love wlth the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, God over all- bleifed for evermore. ·Ame11. FINIS. '