~4 The Life _of GOD ciple of love: there is a fecret f wectnefs which accompanieth thofe tears of re– n1orfe, thofe meltings and relentings of a foul returning unto God, and lamenting its former unkindnefs . The feverities of holy life, and that confl:ant watch which we are obliged to keep over · our hearts and ways, are very troublefome to tbofe who are only ruled and aCl:cd by an external ljlw and have no law in their n1inds inclining them to the performance of their duty. But where di– vine love poffdfeth the foul, it fiands as, centinel to keep out every thing that may offend the beloved, and cloth difdainfully repulfe thofe temptations which affaulr- it. It complieth chearfully, not only with explicit commands, but with the mofl: fecret notices of the beloved~s pleafure·; ~nd is ingenious in difcoveri!1g what will be n1ofl: grateful and acceptable unto hin1. It makes mortification and felt-denial chang~ their hadh and dreadful nan es·, and becon1e ea(y, fweet and delightful things. But I fiBd this part of n1y letter fwell bigger than I deG 0 ne d: rindeed who would not be t <:mpte: d to dwell on fo pleafant a theme ?) I !hall endeavour to compenfate it ·by brevity in the other points• .