Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

in the Soul of Man. 6.7 very light apprehenfions of tl}ofe thing~, and are not fenfible of any fault, unlefs it be grofs and flagitious; and fcarce reckon any fo great as that which they call pre– cifencfs: and thofe who are 1nore ferious,' do n1any tin1es allow themfelves too great latitude and freedom. Al;as! how n1uch pride and vanity, and paf4on and hun1our, how much weaknefs, and fin, cloth every (L}ay '!how itfelf in their converfc and be– haviour ? It n14y be they are humbled for it, and fhiving againfi: it, and are daily gaining fon1e ground ;. but then the pro– grefs i-s fo fn1al1, and their failings fo ma– ny, that we had need to chufe an exaCter pattern. Every one of us mufi: anfwer for himfelf,, and the pra~ices of others will. never warrant and fecure us. It "' -is the highefl: folly to regultate ou'r actions by any other fiandard than that by which they mufi: be judged.. If ever we_would cleanfe our ""tl)C!J, it mufl be by taking heed thereto according to the word of' God*· And that word which is quick and power-- ful, and j!Jarper. than any two-edged fivord piercing e-ven. to the di7Jiding afunder of foul andJPirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a diflerner of the thoughts an.J.intents of the heart t, will. ce_nainly difcover· many '*· Pfalm•. cxix. 9• t · Heb. iv., N~• -