Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

in the Soul of Man. 9 I to entertain the moft intimate fellowfhip and communion with us. Let us there2. fore endeavour to raife our minds to the clearefl: conceptions of the divine natu.e. Let us confider all that his works do declare, or his word cloth difcover of him unto us. And let us efpecially con– template that viGble reprefentation of hin1 ·which was ma -e in our own nature by his Son, who was the brig-htnejs of his g lory, and the exjT~(s image of his perjo11, *; and who appeared ~n the world to difcover at once what God is, and what we ought to be. Let us reprcfent him unto our minds as we find hin1 defcribed in the gof– pcl; and there we fh all behold the perfecti– ons of the. divine nature, t~ough · covered with the vail of human infinnities: and, when we have fran1ed unto ourfelves the cleareit notion that we can, of a Being infinite in power, in wifdom, and good– nefs, the author and fountain of all per– fections, let us fix the eyes of our fouls upon it, that our eyes n1ay affect our heart t; and while we are mufing, the fire will bur11 t. Efpecially, *Hb' tL ... .. e • 1. 3• am. m. 51. :f: Pfalm. xxxix. 3·