Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

9a LORD, ort JEHOVAH, &c. fmallefl of Seeds, fhall one Day rife in fuch Luxuriance; that allthe Fowls of the /Br(hall lodge in the Branchesof it The holieft Graces and molt happy Delires fhall wing their Way to thine Heart, and fhall reft with De- light in thySoul, through the everlafting Salvation-of fe fus. He lives, and becaufe HE LIVES, thou(halt live alfo :* The Life, thou haft received from Him here, fhall be improved andperfe&ted, fhall be increafed and glorified, inHim and with Him, for ever, hereafter. What precious Salvation is this ! What a Hope of Security is here, in our Almighty refus ! Haw inefti- mably effential to the very Being of all our Comforts, and to the very End of all our Delres, is the fupreme Divinity ofJEHOVAH the Saviour! This is the Bafs of Religion itfelf Take it away ; and O what a difmal View ! The Mind can conceive nothingbut an empty Void, to which all mortal Things and mortal Creatures are haftening-, and haftening, only todrop into nothing. But let this Sun of Righteoufnefs, in the exalted Luftre of his eternal Perfections difpel the Gloom of Nature ; the Believer's Heart begins to glow with a chearingRay, his Eyes are bleffed with openingScenes of Immortality, and his ready Feet preis on. to poflefs them. It was this glorious Profpeét, which induced the feraphic Pfalmift, and fhall alfo induce each happy Believer, to exclaim ; My Soul longeth, yea even fainteth, for the Courts of JEHOVAH ; my Heart and my Flefb cry out for the living GOD. Happy for them all ; They go from Strength to Strength ; and every one of then appearetli before GOD in Zion.t John xiv. tg t Pfalm lxxxiv. a., 7. G OD,