.to6, GOD, oR ALEHIM, &c: By comparing thefe, and many other, Texts of the Old Teftament, with thofe of the New; it may fatisfy any candid Perfon, that both Teftaments concur in af- ferting the DoEhine of the Trinity, and that Believers, both under the patriarchal and legal conomy, were not, left in the Dark refpeaing fo important an Article of their Faith and Salvation. But our more immediate Purpofe is to íhew, what Relation this Name ALEHIM bears to our LORD jEsus CHRIST, as the fecönd Perfon in the facred Ef- fence, and Redeemer of his People. A Covenant of Grace and Peace was entered into (fpeaking ad captum humanum) by the holy Trinity for the Happinefs and Redemption of his People. Of courfe this Covenant mutt neceífarily be ordered in all things, andfure. If a Tittle of it could fail, it would impeach both. the Wifdom and the Power of GOD. The Second Perfon in the divine Effence was to take upon Him the human Nature; to pay in that Nature a perfeft Obedience to the holy Law ; to atone for the Trangreflions of his Redeemed; to conquer Death and him who bath the Power of Death, even the Devil; to rife in that human Form to Glory, as an incorruptible Pledge and Earneft of his People's Refurreition ; and to mediate in their Behalf with the Majefty on high. All this was and is fully accompliíhed in that vifible and and of Jacob, feems to imply the particular Idea of the Trinity in Unity; of which thofe illuftrious Patriarchs, fo far as relates to the Office- Charatners of the divine Perfons, afforded a peculiar Type. Thus Abrahammight reprefent the Perfonality of the FATHER, who withheld not his only Son; and Ilan (generally allowed to be a Type of Chrifl) íhadows forth that bleffed Son of GOD, who, unrepin- ing and unreluttant, offered himfelf without Spot for the Sins of his People ; and .yacob (literally tranflated, the Supplanter) points out the powerful Agency of the HOLY SPIRIT; who, ftranger than the ,/bong Man armed, fupplants the elder Brother, the old Adam, and the carnal Nature; introduces thefecondAdam, and a divine Nature within their Souls ; wreffles and prevails for themwith GOD; and finally collects the twelve c9ribes of his Inheritance, his chofen and spiritual Ifrael, into one Body and into one Temple, holy and ac- ceptable for ever. corporeal