GOD, out ALEHIM, &c. 1O monied from everlafting to be fhed for the Redeemed. Thus it is faid to Chrift, the King of Zion, from JEHO VAH ; By the Blood of THY Covenant [the Covenant was Chr's, as one of the divine Perfons], I havefent forth THY Prifoners out of the Pit, wherein is -no Water * of Hope or Peace. The Covenant was the Plan, and the Blood of yefus the Means, of humanRedemption. The Covenant may be alto ftyled an everlafting Covenant; becaufe it not only exifted before all Worlds, and every Idea of what we can underftand by Time, but fhall alto fubfift when the Earth !hall be burnt up, and Time §hall be no more. The Mercy of the LORD is from everlafing to everlafting upon them that fear him ; t and he willlet his Sancîuary in the midtt of them for ever. $ Not only the whole CEconomy of Redemption de- monftrates the Neceflity of a covenanting, pofitive, and divine Saviour; who, in order to be divine, mutt be a Perfon in JEHOVAH, out of whom there can be neither Deity nor Divinity : But, exprefs Texts of Scripture, in great Abundance, declare the Redeemer to be both JEHOVAH in himfelf, and the ALEHIM of his People. Of the former Name we have already produced forne precife Applications to the Saviour ; and a few, for the fake of Room, may fuffice for the latter. "Ind Jacob blefed Jofeph and faid, The ALEHIM who fed me all my Life long unto this day, the ANGEL who REDEEMED mefrom all Evil, blefs the Lads, &c. § The ANGEL, who redeemed 7acob, was the ALEHIM who fed him. The Word Angel lignifies Mef ginger : And CHRIST iS ftyled the MESSENGER or ANGEL of the Co- venant, 11 and the ANGEL of JEHOVAH'S Prefence [Heb. Faces,] T by whom JEHOVAH appears Face to Face to his People. Thus our LORD is to be underftood where he lays, He that bathPeen me, bath fan the Fa- ther. ** Being known as a Perlon in the ALEHIM, the * Zech, ix. 11. j- Pfalm viii. 17; j Ezek. xxxviii. 26. comp. with Eph. ii. zz. § Gen, xlviii. Is, 16, Mal, ifaiah lxiii. 9. ** John xiv, 9. undivided