24 S H A D D A L Name Almighty. _ Every way ; it is an Epithet peculiar to Him, who created all Things out of nothing; who, by his Power and Grace fi pports what he has created ; and who, whenever he pleafes, can put an End to their Being. It is never applied to Angels, or Men, or to falfe Gods, in any Manner. Their Power and Suffici- ency (if they have any) are wholly derived ; nor could they fubfiít from Moment to Moment, but by that divine and inexhauftibleFtílnefs, which produced them from Nothing, and can with equal Eafe return them to it. Jehovah appeared to Abram, whenAbram was ninety years old and nine, and, that his Faith might reft firm- ly upon the molt important Promife that was ever re- vealed to Man, aft-tires him, that he was able to perform hiss Covenant, by ftyling himfelf, AL SHADDAI, the Al- mighty, or Allfufficient GOD. * If we furvey the Hiftory of this Vifion, we (hall eafily perceive, that this .AL SHADDAI was no other than the Lord Jefus Chrift, whole Day Abraham rejoiced tofee, andwas glad. Ifaac, who, as a Type of the promifed Redeemer, was fo deeply concerned in this Declaration of GOD's everlafting Covenant to his Father, bleffes his Son Ja- cob in this glorious Name of the AL SHADDAI, the All- fufficiént GOD ; who would multiply him and his Pro- geny upon the Earth,-j- and extend the Blefiing, which was given to Abraham, to him and to his continually. Ifaac did not biefs in vain ; for he fpake, like the other holy Men of GOD in old Time, as he was moved by the Holy Ghoft.t The Alehim appeared to Jacob, then firnamed Ifrael, and revealed himfelf to him, as to his Fathers, under the Appellation of Al Shaddái, the Allfuf icient GOD ; who would make him to be fruitful, and to multi ly, would caufe a Nation (theJews) andaCem- pony of Nations (the believing and cleft Gentiles) to be in their Mistakes al;out GOD) withmany Breafts, as though The fupplied that Sufficiency to the material World, for which the her- felf is dependent upon the only feltfufficient Author of all Things. Vide RaucaLIN. Gäb. lib. iii. * Gen. xvii. i. h Gen. xxviii. 3. I s Pet. i. at. tif